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Sightings, Galleries, Sightlines
Poetry by A. Robert Lee
OCT. 2013

ISBN: 978-1-940939-05-6 6 x 9; 130pp. ISBN: 978-1-940939-06-3 2013953971 IM052014

IMAGINARIUM: SIGHTINGS, GALLERIES, SIGHTLINES, A. Robert Lee’s latest collection of poetry, turns on two connecting keynotes: imagination and sight. Across a broad canvas each of its sequences explores the ways we go about imagining as much as seeing reality. Sightings, which opens the book, turns upon a dozen or so celebrated paintings, among them J.M.W. Turner and Frida Kahlo. Galleries extends the usual meaning of the term to include vantage-points like a French archeological cave, a Bosphorus Straits crossing and a Tokyo station. Sightlines frames a run of personal encounters within the heights and widths of buildings and landscapes – whether different Metro stations, or a major Japanese waterfall or Memphis’s Beale Street. IMAGINARIUM explores yet other kinds of seeing, including poems that use bird flight as metaphors of imagination, airplane travel and its larger meanings of self-journey, Science Fiction film and the envisioning of other worlds, a roster of US photography, and imagination itself as a process to be imagined. In sum the reader is invited into a two-way exchange, imagination as seeing, seeing as imagination.

Here's What People Are Saying

“A voyage with the ever present panoramic A. Robert Lee – poet, cultural historian, critical writer. IMAGINARIUM: SIGHTINGS, GALLERIES, SIGHTLINES is a cartography, a call and response, a resonance and a celebration of “meticulous horizontals,” “Eisensteinian screams” and other luscious optics and beloved poetries. I appreciate the close reading, scholarship, and delight of these imaginariums.” ~Anne Waldman, Fast Speaking Woman (1974)

“In IMAGINARIUM, A. Robert Lee imagines the sights and sayings of painters, poets and places, and detects the symbolic cues of continents, museums, and cultural coincidence.” ~Gerald Vizenor, Almost Ashore (2006)

“IMAGINARIUM reveals the keen eye of a well-traveled poet. The ekphrastic poems that envoice eighteen paintings are a delight. Deep-textured and infused with history, his poetry overall satisfyingly offers the gift of evocation and invocation.” ~Tino Villanueva, So Spoke Penelope (2013)


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