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Sean Frederick Forbes

SEAN FREDERICK FORBES is the series editor of 2LP EXPLORATIONS IN DIVERSITY, which explores the past, present and future of diversity and inclusivity in America. He oversaw the publication of Substance of Fire, Gender and Race in the College Classroom (2018) by Claire Millikin, and is the co-editor of The Beiging of America, Personal Narratives about Being Mixed Race in the Twenty-First Century (2017), WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE WHITE IN AMERICA? Breaking the White Code of Silence, A Collection of Personal Narratives (2016), and the author of the poetry collection, Providencia: A Book of Poems (2013). His work has appeared in various journals including Chagrin River Review, Crab Orchard Review, Long River Review, Midwest Quarterly, and Sargasso: A Journal of Caribbean Literature, Language and Culture. He teaches creative writing and poetry, and is the director of the creative writing program at the University of Connecticut.

Forbes studied English and Africana Studies at Queens College (CUNY), where he was an Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, and went on to receive his MA and PhD in English from the University of Connecticut. In 2009, Forbes received a Woodrow Wilson Mellon Mays University Fellows Travel and Research Grant for travel to Providencia, Colombia.

He has appeared on radio and television programs, and his work was featured online on Poem-a-Day, sponsored by the Academy of American Poets in 2014. He also served as the associate director of Humanities House, a living and learning community, at the University of Connecticut during the 2013-2014 academic year. Forbes is the poetry and nonfiction reader for the journal WESTVIEW published by Southwestern Oklahoma State University. He also leads professional learning and growth workshops for elementary and secondary school teachers who seek to advance creative writing to the language arts curriculum.

Author's books