Has to Say About 2Leaf Press[/trx_title]
As the work published by 2Leaf Press repeatedly and potently reminds, social justice and human rights are, more often than not, elusive goals and aspirational aims in a world marked by racism, sexism, homophobia, and nativism. Nevertheless, as anthologies such as BLACK LIVES HAVE ALWAYS MATTERED, travel-memoirs like ADVENTURES IN BLACK AND WHITE, and experimental collections such as Claire Millikin’s AFTER HOUSES: POETRY FOR THE HOMELESS render visible the urgent nature of press message, mission, and value. Invested in challenging the status quo through artistic originality and aesthetic integrity, 2Leaf Press occupies an all-too-rare publishing space wherein those who have been dismissed, discarded, and disregarded are afforded a rightful place within literature. It is not only worth funding; it is essential that we all come together to make sure that it survives and thrives.
—Cathy J. Schlund-Vials, PhD
Associate Dean for Humanities & Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
University of Connecticut, Storrs
Co-editor of THE BEIGING OF AMERICA (2017)
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