
As the 2LP Author’s roster grows, it has become more difficult to keep track of our authors whereabouts as they promote and present their books to the public at book readings, conferences, seminars, symposiums and so on. So, with the help of the IAAS’s super tech, Naydene Brickus, we’ve created an Author Events Calendar, where authors can submit their events directly onto our 2Leaf Press website.

The beauty of it is that their submissions will automatically appear on 2Leaf Press’ Facebook page and Twitter account, helping to spread the word about where they’ll be appearing. In fact, they could possibly be in your hometown or a city near you, so be sure to check in from time-to-time and meet the poets and authors of 2Leaf Press!

GABRIELLE DAVID is a multidisciplinary artist who is a musician, photographer, digital designer, editor, poet and writer. She is the Executive Director of the nonprofit organization, 2Leaf Press Inc. and publisher of the Black/Brown female-led 2Leaf Press in New York. David is the author of the six-part series, TRAILBLAZERS, BLACK WOMEN WHO HELPED MAKE AMERICA GREAT. (