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Incessant Beauty

A Bilingual Anthology
MAY 2014

, ISBN: 978-1-940939-21-6 6 x 9; 174 pp. ISBN: 978-1-940939-22-3 2013954042 IB052014 ,

Meet The Author

INCESSANT BEAUTY is a feast for the senses and the mind. Ana Rossetti (from Cádiz, Spain), who began her literary career in the late seventies soon after dictator Francisco Franco’s death in 1975, is an award winning poet and writer. She became prominent among the many women poets who used the lifting of censorship to produce a fresh, often daring, body of poetry. INCESSANT BEAUTY offers to an English-speaking audience a first glimpse into Rossetti’s eclectic and voracious symbolic universe. Editor and translator Carmela Ferradáns has selected poems that offer a wide range of themes and poetic registers that span more than thirty years. Presented in chronological order, they vary from the playful, often cheeky, early poems for which she is well-known, to the more brooding meditations on transcendental human qualities, to the latest festive celebrations of the poetic word itself. In INCESSANT BEAUTY, Rossetti maps out displacement and exile in the fringes of the heart, bringing solidarity with one another to the core of our shared humanity. Cover art: Spencer Sauter.


About the cover artist Spencer Sauter

SPENCER SAUTER has numerous solo and group exhibitions. He recently had a solo shows at Timothy Kent Gallery, the Advocate Bromenn Regional Healthcare Center, and in the Wakeley Gallery at Illinois Wesleyan University Ames School of Art. He shows work in the biennial faculty exhibition in the Merwin Gallery at Illinois Wesleyan, and has had numerous commissions and has works in collections throughout the United States and in international collections. Sauter has degrees in visual art and English from Illinois Wesleyan University, and a graduate degree in art (painting) form Illinois State University. He is currently an adjunct assistant professor of art at Illinois Wesleyan University.

Here's What People Are Saying

“At last English-speaking readers can indulge in Ana Rossetti’s enticing poetic banquet, deliciously daring to somberly meditative. . . . This long overdue translation by Carmela Ferradáns, INCESSANT BEAUTY is most welcome.” ~Sharon Keefe Ugalde, University Distinguished Professor, Texas State University

“La antología bilingüe de la obra poética de Ana Rossetti que nos presenta Carmela Ferradáns viene a subsanar una falta importante y una colosal paradoja, aquella de la intensa atención crítica a la gran autora española, en particular por investigadores afiliados a EEUU, y la ausencia de textos traducidos al inglés de la celebrada poeta. INCESSANT BEAUTY subsana esta carencia de una forma atrevida y equilibrada . . . un banquete poético. Imprescindible.”~Tina Escaja, artist and professor of Spanish, University of Vermont

“The English-language versions of Ana Rossetti’s poems celebrate paradox; they are erotic and erudite, earthy and ethereal, full of allusions, but pleasurably elusive, deeply referential, but thrillingly irreverent. In INCESSANT BEAUTY, Ferradáns has crafted an unrepentant, unconfessional poetics in which narratives obscure as much as they reveal about a speaker whose very identity is in flux. In so doing, Ferradáns has given Anglophone readers a gift whose beauty is, indeed, relentless and incessant. And we are very grateful.” ~Virginia Bell, Ph.D., adjunct professor of English, Loyola University Chicago, and senior editor, Rhino Poetry


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