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Jason Vasser-Elong

JASON VASSER-ELONG is a poet and essayist that was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri, with maternal ancestral roots in Cameroon, Central Africa. He published his debut poetry collection, shrimp (2018), which examines the identity in the post-colonial context. His poetry has appeared in Black Lives Have Always Mattered (2017), Crossing the Divide: From the Poets of Saint Louis (2016), and Unveiling Visions: The Alchemy of The Black Imagination (2016). His essay “Treading the Atlantic” is published in the Canadian Journal for Netherlandic Studies’ special issue “Netherlandic Migrations: Narratives from North America.” He also has poems published in Unveiling Visions: The Alchemy of The Black Imagination. Vasser-elong earned a Master of Fine Arts degree in creative writing from the University of Missouri, St. Louis after studying cultural anthropology and presenting his ethnographic, “Rhyme and Reason: Poetics as Societal Dialogue.”