Recently one of my Morgan James authors contacted me and asked, “Is my book really inside any Barnes and Noble bookstores. It was a good question and I turned to a colleague to find the answer.

I learned this particular book had been available to the brick and mortar bookstores for about six months (often the decision point marker for the retailer to return the book). Yes this book had been placed inside brick and mortar bookstores around the country (a big deal for any author) yet it was starting to be returned.

Surprise Information to Authors
When I speak with authors, they are often surprised to learn every book inside a brick and mortar bookstore is there on consignment. If the book does not sell, the retailer has the right to return the book to the publisher for a full refund. It’s a practice that began during the Great Depression and continues today. Returns cost publishers thousands of dollars each year. >>READ MORE

GABRIELLE DAVID is a multidisciplinary artist who is a musician, photographer, digital designer, editor, poet and writer. She is the Executive Director of the nonprofit organization, 2Leaf Press Inc. and publisher of the Black/Brown female-led 2Leaf Press in New York. David is the author of the six-part series, TRAILBLAZERS, BLACK WOMEN WHO HELPED MAKE AMERICA GREAT. (