2Leaf Press’s books are now available on Scribd, an ebook subscription service, joining the ranks of over 1,000 publishers, which include HarperCollins, Simon & Schuster, Harlequin, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Macmillan, Bloomsbury, Workman, Lonely Planet, Perseus Book Group and Wiley. Readers can either purchase books outright, or sign up and pay a monthly fee to access unlimited books. In fact, if you’re already a member, you can actually search for 2Leaf Press titles (in quotes) and they will pop-up!
Scribd was founded in 2007 as an open publishing platform that has grown into a digital library and ebook subscription service that includes one million titles. Following in the footsteps of NetFlix, Scribd developed an ebook subscription service that’s available on virtually all devices, including Android and iOS smartphones and tablets, as well as the Kindle Fire, Nook, and personal computers. Scribd added audiobooks to their subscription service in November 2014 and comic books in February 2015. To date, they have approximately 80 million users around the globe.
How does it work? Subscribers pay $8.99 a month for an all-you-can-read buffet of ebooks (ranging from a major publisher’s catalog to self-published volumes), brochures, catalogs, and other content from the site’s six years as a free document sharing site. Read the books on your computer or on your tablet or phone with their Scribd apps.
Why Scribd? Scribd is not the only ebook subscription service in town, the most prominent standouts being Oyster, and Kindle Unlimited. For now, we liked the fact that Scribd started out as an open source we’ve used for many years prior to their recent transformation, and we preferred their terms to the other services. This doesn’t mean that 2Leaf Press ebooks will only be available on Scribd’s subscription platform, it just means that we are taking baby steps to see how the terrain develops.
Happy reading!