Cross-disciplinary collaborations in the arts and humanities
connecting academics dedicated to educating
broad audiences for the common good.
2LP UNIVERSITY BOOKS publishes books geared for the classroom in key disciplines in the humanities and social sciences that are written by distinguished professors and authors that are accessible to the general public.
2LP UNIVERSITY BOOKS are critically innovative books that are diverse in subject matter, and challenging to existing critical frames. For literary works, we are interested in both comparative studies as well as book-length studies of writers of Native American, African, Latino and Asian descent. Similar genres of books on art, dance and film studies, particularly those that emphasize contemporary issues, are also of interest. We also seek works in the social sciences that explore the world beyond our immediate experiences, and can help explain how our own society works. More precisely, we welcome works of an interdisciplinary nature that interweave different disciplines of the humanities as well as studies on the American diaspora, particularly those that focus on multicultural issues, including race, class, gender, sexuality and feminism.
We are particularly interested in projects that showcase how scholars are working with public partners and, in the process, enriching both our communities and their disciplines. Why? Because we believe that these collaborations nudge us toward a more just and generous public culture. Ours is not an entirely unique approach. Around the world, imaginative new cross-disciplinary collaborations in the humanities by universities and professional organizations have taken root and are connecting academics who not only want to educate, but who are interested in sharing their work with broad audiences that can serve the common good. One of the key goals of 2LP UNIVERSITY BOOKS is part of 2Leaf Press’ mandate: to educate through storytelling with real life experiences, and to share historical data and facts that inform and enlighten readers in a meaningful way that is accessible to all.
We want to make clear that our desire to be “accessible” does not mean we want authors to provide us with “dumb-down” text. On the contrary, what 2Leaf Press seeks is engaged scholarship that discusses concepts, practices, and difficult texts in accessible terms. In fact, we believe this mandate, while challenging, will push scholars into becoming cultural interpreters in new, more public directions that will likely create intensified works that can be read in and outside the classroom.
The ultimate goal of 2LP UNIVERSITY BOOKS is to become critically innovative. The series does not align itself to any one particular critical or cultural frame; rather it reflects an aspiration to move beyond the limits of singular categories in order to explore how these books can intersect both students and the general public with intelligence and vision.
Please send inquiries to 2lpseries [AT] 2leafpress [DOT] org.