2LP Press & Publicity

Here is where you can find information on what
2Leaf Press poets and writers are up to.
David/TRAILBLAZERS: “Nonfiction books on Africans in Harlem, Black women trailblazers and Black American health, TRAILBLAZERS, Review by Jordannah Elizabeth, The Amsterdam News [https://amsterdamnews.com/news/2022/12/15/nonfiction-books-on-africans-in-harlem-black-women-trailblazers-and-black-american-health/] (12/15/2022)
Meléndez/Boraccho: “Review: Leaving” by Jesús Papoleto Meléndez by Jennifer Grotzinger, NewPages [https://www.newpages.com/blog/books/book-reviews/poem-review-leaving-by-jesus-papoleto-melendez/] (10/26/2022)
Halaby/why an author writes to a guy holding a fish: “After Marriage, Single Arab American Woman Looks for Love, Laila Halaby,” review by Eman Quotah, The Markaz Review [https://themarkaz.org/after-marriage-single-arab-american-woman-looks-for-love/] (9/5/2022)
Millikin/Dolls: “Midcoast poet publishes new books that circle the South,” Claire Millikin, Courier-Gazette, Maine [https://knox.villagesoup.com/2022/03/24/midcoast-poet-publishes-new-books-that-circle-the-south/] (3/24/2022)
David/TRAILBLAZERS: “Book Review – Books By and About Black Women Leaders, featuring TRAILBLAZERS,” Review by Angela Haigler, Pride Magazine Online [https://www.pridemagazineonline.com/books-by-and-about-black-women-leaders/] (3/23/2022)
Vasser-Elong/shrimp: “Open Door Reading Series Online: Natasha Mijares, Henry Feller, Jason Vasser-Elong & Roderick James Jr.,” Poetry Foundation [https://www.poetryfoundation.org/events/156166/open-door-reading-series-natasha-mijares-henry-feller-jason-vasser-elong-and-roderick-james-jr] (10/9/2021)
Baker/ An Unintentional Accomplice: “Carolyn L. Baker/An Unintentional Accomplice” interviewed by Landis Wade, Charlotte Readers Podcast [https://content.blubrry.com/charlottereaderspodcast/Carolyn_Baker_Episode.mp3] (8/13/2021)
DiZazzo:The Revlon Slough “Interview with Ray DiZazzo” by Alexis August, Yes Poetry [https://www.yespoetry.com/news/interview-with-ray-dizazzo] (4/26/2021)
Levin/Birds on the Kiswar Tree: “Interview with Lynn Levin” by Alexis August, Yes Poetry [https://www.yespoetry.com/news/interview-with-lynn-levin] (4/22/2021)
Betts/Adventures in Black and White: “Interview with Tara Betts” by Alexis August, Yes Poetry [https://www.yespoetry.com/news/interview-with-tara-betts] (4/21/2021)
Alaoui/Critics of Mystery Marvel: “Interview with Youssef Alaoui” by Alexis August, Yes Poetry [https://www.yespoetry.com/news/interview-with-youssef-alaoui] (4/15/2021)
Vasser-Elong/shrimp: “S1 Ep3: Episode 3: #GiftOfWords with Jason Vasser Elong,” In Your Words Podcast [https://www.jiosaavn.com/shows/S1-Ep3:-Episode-3:-GiftOfWords-with-Jason-Vasser-Elong/7I-9aJkcPdQ_] (11/20/2020)
Oyewole/Naked:“Naked: A New Poetry Collection by Abiodun Oyewole,” Book Review by Gessy Alvarez, Digging Through Fat, A Journal For Cultural Omnivores [https://diggingpress.com/2020/10/19/nonaked-by-abiodun-oyewole-book-review-no-10/] (10/19/2020)
Vasser-Elong/shrimp: Reading, Red Rez Publication Party via Zoom [https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83586062504?pwd=U0diNXI4UEhSVkVtK0RBdC9ocGlFZz09] (10/13/20)
Oyewole/Naked: Interview, “Hold Sacred Our Humanity: A Conversation with Abiodun Oyewole” by Patrick A. Howell, Los Angeles Review of Books [https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/hold-sacred-our-humanity-a-conversation-with-abiodun-oyewole/] (10/1/2020)
Enright/Strength of Soul: “Powerful Women Interview Series: Naomi Raquel Enright with 5 Pieces of Career Advice She Wishes She Knew Earlier” by Natalie Ruiz, Medium [https://its-natalieruiz.medium.com/powerful-women-interview-series-naomi-raquel-enright-with-5-pieces-of-career-advice-she-wishes-she-cc1e958812f4] (9/12/2020)
Barker/Mother of Orphans : “Author Event: Dedria Humphries Barker,” Ann Arbor District Library [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vuqOgomba0] (8/19/2020)
Barker/Mother of Orphans : “Dedria A. Humphries Barker and her Abraham Lincoln books” by Rich Tupica, City Pulse [https://www.lansingcitypulse.com/stories/dedria-a-humphries-barker-and-her-abraham-lincoln-books,14838] (8/7/2020)
Millikin/Ranson Street: “Ransom Street” by Claire Millikin, KIRKUS [https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/claire-millikin/ransom-street/] (7/17/2020)
Vasser-Elong/shrimp: “Where the ‘Shrimp’ story begins. Jason Vasser-Elong shares inspiration behind debut poetry collection,” by Jason Vasser-Elong, St. Louis American [https://www.stlamerican.com/entertainment/living_it/where-the-shrimp-story-begins/article_dfb7c72e-b116-11ea-8777-23361b75afb8.html] (6/17/2020)
Enright/Strength of Soul: Interview, “A conversation with Strength of Soul Author, Naomi Raquel Enright,” What in the World? Language Podcast [https://jahdai.podbean.com/e/a-conversation-with-strength-of-soul-author-naomi-raquel-enright/] (6/6/2020)
Vasser-Elong/shrimp: Book Review, “’Black in the Middle’ provides new looks at life in the Midwest” St. Louis Post-Dispatch [https://www.stltoday.com/entertainment/books-and-literature/reviews/black-in-the-middle-provides-new-looks-at-life-in-the-midwest/article_f4f5d355-2c61-58f4-b71b-4302e56cc4c7.html?utm_medium=social&utm_source=email&utm_campaign=user-share] (10/3/20)
Vasser-Elong/shrimp: Reading, Spo Fest -Virtual [https://www.facebook.com/events/2746342722317733/] (9/5/2020)
Vasser-Elong/shrimp: Interview, The Lion’s Den Podcast, St. Louis, MO [https://thelionsdenstl.wixsite.com/home] (8/15/20)
Vasser-Elong/shrimp: Book review, “Bamileke Traditions and Globalizations Jean Clovis Ouabo, Jason Vasser-Elong, ed.” International [https://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=30700038052&cm_sp=SEARCHREC-_-WIDGET-L-_-BDP-R&searchurl=an%3Djean%2Bclovis%26sortby%3D17] (8/2/20)
Baker/An Unintentional Accomplice: Opinion, “Reimagine California-Los Angeles Times” Los Angeles Times [https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2020-07-26/reimagine-california-coronavirus-pandemic-readers-change-california] (7/26/20)
Vasser-Elong/shrimp: Interview, The Bernie Hayes TV Show -St. Louis [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGyzSffAZGs] (7/19/20)
Baker/An Unintentional Accomplice: Guest Columnist, “The Illusion of Separateness” Los Angeles Free Press (7/14/2020)
Baker/An Unintentional Accomplice: Guest Columnist, “A Counter Cultural Idea for Peace and Justice,” Los Angeles Free Press (6/30/20)
Baker/An Unintentional Accomplice: Guest Writer, “A Unique Perspective–Women’s Strike 1970-Los Angeles Free Press,” Los Angeles Free Press (06/26/20)
Vasser-Elong/shrimp: Guest Writer, “Where the ‘Shrimp’ story begins,” St. Louis American [http://www.stlamerican.com/entertainment/living_it/where-the-shrimp-story-begins/article_dfb7c72e-b116-11ea-8777-23361b75afb8.html] (6/19/20)
Baker/An Unintentional Accomplice: Interview on KTKK RADIO with host Linda Strasberg, K-TALK.com or 630 AM channel in Salt Lake City and surrounding cities. [https://soundcloud.com/ktalkmedia/2020-5-30-carolyn-baker-a-unintentional-accomplice-linda-strasburg-host] (5/30/2020)
Vasser-Elong/shrimp: Poetry reading on SpoFest Open Mic Poetry and Prose (6/13/2020)
Vasser-Elong/shrimp: Essay “From kente cloth to shrimp: Symbols can tell powerful stories” St. Louis Today [https://www.stltoday.com/entertainment/books-and-literature/from-kente-cloth-to-shrimp-symbols-can-tell-powerful-stories/article_21fbda2a-ec7f-5768-8eff-81d1688141e4.html] (6/12/2020)
Baker/An Unintentional Accomplice: Guest writer, Los Angeles Free Press, “Anti Poverty War STILL Needed on Los Angeles Skid Row,” Los Angeles Free Press (2020)
Baker/An Unintentional Accomplice: Interview on the Morning Show with Steve Hexom, KBUR Burlington, Iowa. [https://www.kbur.com/podcast/morning-show-interviews/page/3]
Baker/An Unintentional Accomplice: Interview on Women Lead Radio, Donna Netwig: Tales from the Trenches/International Podcast from Santa Monica, CA https://connectedwomenofinfluence.com/an-unintentional-accomplice
Baker/An Unintentional Accomplice: Interview on Straight Talk with Nick Lawrence, WEEU 830 AM, Reading, PA (6/1/2020)
Baker/An Unintentional Accomplice: Interview on Interviews & Interactions with Linda Strasburg, KTALK, KBJA 1640 AM, Sandy, UT [https://soundcloud.com/ktalkmedia/2020-5-30-carolyn-baker-a-unintentional-accomplice-linda-strasburg-host] (5/30/2020)
David/TRAILBLAZERS: Poetry reading Tribes Spotlight Series Zoom Reading and Q&A, originating from New York City, [https://www.tribes.org/new-page-4] (5/24/2020)
Baker/An Unintentional Accomplice: Interview on Downtown with Rich Kimball, WZON AM Bangor, ME. [http://www.downtownwithrichkimball.com/2020/05/22/carolyn-l-baker-5-22-20] (5/22/2020)
Baker/An Unintentional Accomplice: Interview on Good Mornings with Chris Oaks, WFIN 1330AM/95.5 FM, Findlay, Ohio (5/19/2020)
Baker/An Unintentional Accomplice: Interview on Preferred Company with Joel Markel & Fran Holinda, WBNJ 91.9 FM, Waretown, NJ (5/7/2020)
Meléndez/Borrocho: “La Treintena: 30 Books of Latinx Poetry” (featuring Borrocho by Jesús Papoleto Meléndez) written by Urayoán Noel, The Latinx Project [https://www.latinxproject.nyu.edu/intervenxions/la-treintena-30-books-of-latinx-poetry] (4/30/20)
Baker/An Unintentional Accomplice: Interview with Kinshasha Kambui on Health Notes, KFAI RADIO, Minneapolis, MN [https://www.kfai.org/personality/kinshasha-kambui/] (4/27/2020)
Baker/An Unintentional Accomplice: Interview on In the Author’s Voice with Jim Williams (4/23/2020)
Baker/An Unintentional Accomplice: Interview on The Morning Show with Bill Lusby, WNAV 1430 AM/99.9 FM, Baltimore/Annapolis, Maryland (4/22/2020)
Baker/An Unintentional Accomplice: Interview on Poppoff with Mary Jane Popp, KAHI 104.5FM/950 AM, Auburn, CA [http://kahi.com/audio_files/PoppOff.mp3] (4/21/2020)
Baker/An Unintentional Accomplice: Interview with Steve Hexom on the Morning Show, KBUR 99.3 AM/1490 FM, Burlington, IA [https://www.kbur.com/?s=carolyn+baker] (4/21/2020)
Baker/An Unintentional Accomplice: Interview on Talk Louisiana with Jim Engster, WRKF Baton Rouge, LA [https://www.wrkf.org/search?s=1&q=carolyn+baker#results] (4/20/2020)
Baker/An Unintentional Accomplice: Interview on The Morning Show with Chuck Kramer, WEAG 106.3 FM, Starke, FL (4/16/2020)
David/TRAILBLAZERS: Poetry featured on A Gathering of the Tribes Online [https://www.tribes.org/set-one/2020/4/9/gabrielle-david] (4/9/2020)
Kovel and Saul/The Emergence of Ecosocialism: Book Review in CLIMATE & CAPITALISM [https://climateandcapitalism.com/2020/04/03/green-politics-must-be-ecosocialist/] (4/3/2020)
Barker/Mother of Orphans: “Lansing writer Dedria Humphries celebrates Women’s History Month with family biography” by Jada Fisher, Lansing State Journal [https://www.lansingstatejournal.com/story/news/2020/03/20/lansing-writer-kicks-womens-history-month-biography/4973380002/] (3/20/2020)
Barker/Mother of Orphans: “A hidden epoch: Dedria Humphries Barker relearns her family history” by David Winkelstern, City Pulse [https://www.lansingcitypulse.com/stories/a-hidden-epoch-dedria-humphries-barker-relearns-her-family-history,13921] (3/5/2020)
Kovel and Saul/The Emergence of Ecosocialism: To Avoid Ecological Disaster Green Politics Must be Ecosocialist, Joel Kovel and Quincy Saul, Reviewed by Mike Shaughnessy, London Green Left Blog [https://londongreenleft.blogspot.com/2020/02/to-avoid-ecological-disaster-green.html] (2/1/2020)
Vasser-Elong/shrimp: Interview on African Ancestors Family Conversations on Instagram Live, [https://www.instagram.com/africanancestry] (2020)
Baker/An Unintentional Accomplice: Interview by Chad Young on The Morning Show & Drive Time, WKCT Talk 104.1 FM, Bowling Green, KY (2020)
Baker/An Unintentional Accomplice: Interview by Donna Netwig on Women on the Journey: Tales from the Trenches [https://connectedwomenofinfluence.com/women-lead-radio-programs/] (2020)
Baker/An Unintentional Accomplice: Interview with Warren Lawrence on Warren in the Morning, WKNY AM/Hudson Valley Region/Upstate NY (2020)
Meléndez/BORRACHO [Very Drunk]: Interview on the podcast, Poetry Spoken Here hosted by Charles Rossiter [https://soundcloud.com/poetry-spoken-here/episode-118-jesus-papoleto-melendez] (2020)
Meléndez/Hey Yo! Yo Soy!: Featured on Poetry Foundation website for National Poetry Month [https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/56796/spring-again?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social_media&utm_campaign=features] (2020)
Baker/An Unintentional Accomplice: Interview on Straight Talk with host Nick Lawrence, WEEU RADIO. Reading PA & Parts of Philadelphia. [http://830weeu.com/wp-content/uploads/StraightTalk060120.mp3] (2000)
Oyewole/Naked: “Naked by Abiodun Oyewole,” Book Review by Raúl Niño, Booklist [https://www.booklistonline.com/Naked-/pid=9738219] (2020)
Cloyd/Dream of the Water Children: Book Review, “A powerful look into the invisible world of children and mothers who are rejected by their nations because of mixed lineage, Fredrick Cloyd” by Midori Friedbauer, International Examiner [https://iexaminer.org/a-powerful-look-into-the-invisible-world-of-children-and-mothers-who-are-rejected-by-their-nations-because-of-mixed-lineage/] (10/29/2019)
Meléndez/PAPOLiTICO: Interview, “A Legend Speaks: An Interview with Nuyorican Poet Jesús Papoleto Meléndez” by Dimitri Reyes, Medium [https://medium.com/run-tell-that-review/a-legend-speaks-an-interview-with-nuyorican-poet-jes%C3%BAs-papoleto-mel%C3%A9ndez-f4f66e23bda5] (10/27/2019)
Kovel and Saul/The Emergence of Ecosocialism: Book Review, “Announcing: The Emergence of Ecosocialism! Joel Kovel and Quincy Saul,” Ecosocialist Horizons [http://ecosocialisthorizons.com/2019/10/announcing-the-emergence-of-ecosocialism/] (10/15/2019)
Enright/Strength of Soul: Interview, “Episode 18: Parenting a Mixed-Race Child, Naomi Raquel Enright,” by Julián Esteban Torres López, The Nasiona [https://www.thenasiona.com/2019/10/15/episode-18-parenting-a-mixed-race-child/] (10/15/2019)
Cloyd/Dream of the Water Children: Book Talk: “Dream of the Water Children” by Fredrick Cloyd, Review by USCDornife [https://dornsife.usc.edu/events/site/192/31131576460983/] (10/3/2019)
Enright/Strength of Soul: “New American Biographies, Staff Picks,” DC Public Library [https://www.dclibrary.org/node/65351] (10/2/2019)
Forbes, Betts/The Beiging of America: Interview, Episode 16: “The Beiging of America Podcast” featuring Sean Frederick Forbes and Tara Betts by Julián Esteban Torres López, The Nasiona Project [https://www.thenasiona.com/2019/09/27/episode-16-the-beiging-of-america/] (9/27/2019)
Millikin/Ransom Street: “A Diorama of Memories: Claire Millikin’s Ransom Street” by Sam Wilcox, The Columbia Review [http://columbiareviewmag.com/2019/06/a-diorama-of-memories/] (6/22/2019)
Meléndez/ PAPOLiTICO: Book Review, “PAPOLiTICO: Poems of a Political Persuasion by Jesús Papoleto Meléndez” by Dimitri Reyes, Run & Tell That [https://runandtellthatreviews.tumblr.com/] (2/21/2019)
Meléndez /Hey Yo! Yo Soy!: “Jesús Papoleto Meléndez – Poet,” review by William Millán and Frank Bello, LL de Loisaida [https://lldeloisaida.wordpress.com/jesus-papoleto-melendez-poet/] (2018)
Vasser-Elong/shrimp: “MFA alumnus Jason Vasser-Elong explores his family’s origins and own experiences in debut book, ‘shrimp’” by Steve Walentik, UMSL Daily [https://blogs.umsl.edu/news/2018/06/25/jason-vasser-elong/] (6/25/2018)
Betts/Adventures in Black and White: Book review by Steven F. Riley, Mixed Race Studies, [http://www.mixedracestudies.org/?tag=philippa-duke-schuyler] (6/30/2018)
Meléndez/Hey Yo! Yo Soy!: “PRIDA Book Club November 2017” (Jesús Papoleto Meléndez) review by Yadhira Gonzalez-Taylor, Puerto Rican Institute for the Development of the Arts https://www.prida.org/2017/11/prida-book-club-november-2017/ (11/6/2017)
Betts/The Beiging of America: “Shades of Beige” Interview of Tara Betts by Shannon Luders-Manuel, Los Angeles Reviews of Books [https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/shades-of-beige/] (8/8/2017)
Schlund-Vials, Forbes, Betts/The Beiging of America: Book review by Steven F. Riley, Mixed Race Studies, [http://www.mixedracestudies.org/?p=52696] (7/5/2017)
Meléndez/Hey Yo! Yo Soy!: “Homenaje: Jesús Papoleto Meléndez Interview,” Centro Voices e-Magazine by Ricardo Muñiz [https://centropr-archive.hunter.cuny.edu/centrovoices/arts-culture/homenaje-jes%C3%BAs-papoleto-mel%C3%A9ndez] (July 21, 2015)
Gonzales/Birds on the Kiswar Tree: “Birds on the Kiswar Tree by Odi Gonzales, trans. by Lynn Levin,” Reviewed by Emily Yoon, Per Contra: An International Journal of the Arts, Literature, and Ideas [http://percontra.net/issues/35/nonfiction/odi-gonzales-trans-by/] (Spring 2015)
Gonzales/Birds on the Kiswar Tree: “Review of Birds on the Kiswar Tree By Odi Gonzales” by Grace Cornell Gonzales, Poetry International [https://www.poetryinternationalonline.com/review-of-birds-on-the-kiswar-tree-by-odi-gonzales/] (2015)
LeFlore/Brassbones & Rainbows: “Rising Up and Shouting: Review of Brassbones and Rainbows” (Shirley Bradley LeFlore) by Jason Cantrell, Glassworks [https://www.rowanglassworks.org/book-reviews/category/2leaf-press] (4/28/2014)
Meléndez/Hey Yo! Yo Soy!: “Jesús Papoleto Meléndez: ‘Poetry Enters You Because It Is Looking for a Voice’” by Yarisa Colon (trans. Marianna Breytman) Global Voices [https://globalvoices.org/2013/04/08/papoleto-melendez-poetry-enters-you-because-it-is-looking-for-a-voice/] (4/8/2013)