SAMUEL DIAZ CARRION is a Puerto Rican poet and writer born in the South Bronx. While working as a chemist, he participated in meetings that led to the founding of the Nuyorican Poets Cafe, New Rican Village and other venues. Over the years, he has coordinated poetry and reading series, and managed theatrical events for Pedro Pietri and the Nuyorican Poets Cafe. Diaz also served as a coordinator for the Puerto Rican-based Bienal de la Poesía Puertoriqueña and subsequent events for La Muestra de la Bienal. He currently heads Computer and Administrative Office Services (BxCAOS), which assists small businesses and nonprofits in the arts and housing. OUR NUYORICAN THING is his first book. (Photo: Vagabond)
GABRIELLE DAVID is a multidisciplinary artist who is a musician, photographer, digital designer, editor, poet and writer. She is the Executive Director of the nonprofit organization, 2Leaf Press Inc. and publisher of the Black/Brown female-led 2Leaf Press in New York. David is the author of the six-part series, TRAILBLAZERS, BLACK WOMEN WHO HELPED MAKE AMERICA GREAT. (