If 81 percent of the U.S. population wants to write a book, why do only two percent accomplish that goal?

First, the majority of aspiring authors don’t have a strong enough desire to achieve this status, so they don’t take the necessary action to manifest their dream. Second, they lack the motivation, organization, tenacity, mindset, or energy to write their books. Thus, they are left feeling they can’t become authors.

If, to date, you have not written your book, you likely fall into one of these two categories. Since you read this blog, I’m going to assume you have a strong desire to write your book. That means you are willing to take some action toward your goal. >>READ MORE

GABRIELLE DAVID is a multidisciplinary artist who is a musician, photographer, digital designer, editor, poet and writer. She is the Executive Director of the nonprofit organization, 2Leaf Press Inc. and publisher of the Black/Brown female-led 2Leaf Press in New York. David is the author of the six-part series, TRAILBLAZERS, BLACK WOMEN WHO HELPED MAKE AMERICA GREAT. (

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